My work helped develop models of normal and abnormal reading that exist today. I moved around between Canada, Australia, and America, working with colleagues toward these and other research/clinical ends.
While exploring what cognitive and linguistic processes and subtypes of dyslexia exist, I began to better understand audition and vision and how these may not only contribute to ways of reading but be represented in the brain. Theories as to of how visual attention may work and be represented in the brain received attention (e.g., nomination for the Harvard Junior Fellowship) and I enjoy conversing and evolving ideas with peers interested in this topic to this day. MEG and fMRI (neuroimaging) tools were learned and applied to help answer questions about these phenomenon, but despite imaging advances they are still limited in their ability to explore and learn about how the brain works at the deepest levels of circuitry and relationships between linguistics and neurology. The task of solving some of these puzzles became a somewhat daunting one that I decided to leave in the good hands of peers and stay involved through theoretical discussions and I continue to find the most joy doing what I always loved best, working directly with people in clinical neuropsychology and psychology assisting one life at a time.
Here is some of my early most impactful dyslexic work written in dyslexia history summaries
History of dyslexia research - Wikiwand
History of dyslexia research - Wikipedia
Michael J. Coleman, Laurie Cestnick, Olga Krastoshevsky, Verena Krause, Zhuying Huang, Nancy R. Mendell, Deborah L. Levy (2009). Schizophrenia Patients Show Deficits in Intra-Stimulus Shifts of Attention to Different Levels of Global-Local Stimuli. Schizophrenia Bulletin (Sensory Processing Deficits in Schizophrenia: Etiology and Implications, edited by Dan Javitt), published September 8, 2009.
Facoetti A., Zorzi M., Cestnick L., Lo Russo, M.L., Moltenia, M., Paganoni, P., Umiltà, C., & Mascetti, G.G. (2006). The relationship between visuospatial attention and nonword reading in developmental dyslexia. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 23, 841-855.
Anstrom K, Bergles D, Bradley K, Cao Y, Cestnick L, Lee S, Piedras-Renteria E, Savoie K, Smith SM (2004). 15th Annual Spring Brain Conference, March 10-13, 2004, Summary Report. Somatosensory Mot Res, June 21(2), 137-143
Galaburda A., Cestnick L. (2003). Developmental Dyslexia (La Dislexia del Desarrollo). Rev Neurol (Revista de Neurologia). Feb.. 36(1): 3-9.
Cestnick L. (2001). Cross-modality temporal processing in developmental phonological dyslexics. Brain and Cognition, 46(3), August, 319-325.
Cestnick L., & Jerger J. (2000). Auditory temporal processing and lexical/nonlexical reading in developmental dyslexics. J Am Acad Audiol 11, 501-513.
Cestnick L., & Coltheart M. (1999) The relationship between language processing and visual processing in developmental dyslexia. Cognition, July 30, 71(3), 231-255.
Cestnick L. (1998). Lyme disease in Australia. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, Editorial, 22(5), 524.
Cestnick L. (1998). Surface dyslexia and other interesting reading patterns: new challenges for theorists. Brain and Language, Special Edition, 37(1), 193-196.
Cestnick L. (1998). Does surface dyslexia exist: the answer lies in statistical methods. Brain and Language, Special Edition, 37(1), 190-193.
Cestnick L. (1995). Motivation, autonomy and romanticism: educating our children toward societal awareness and development. Kappan. Award from Henry (Hal) Jackman (Governor of Ontario, Canada) for this paper
Cestnick L. (2001). Vision, audition and dyslexia. Macquarie University, Australia.
Cestnick L. (1995). Improving discourse reading comprehension of adults with brain injuries. Brock University, Canada.
Select Published Abstracts and/or CDs:
Cestnick L. (2009) How the Brain Reads: digital/computer remediation. Learning and Brain Conference, M.I.T. campus, Cambridge, MA, November 21. CD of talk available.
Michael J. Coleman, Laurie Cestnick, Olga Krastoshevsky, Verena Krause, Zhuying Huang, Nancy R. Mendell, Deborah L. Levy (2007). Schizophrenia Patients Show Deficits in Intra-Stimulus Shifts of Attention to Different Levels of Global-Local Stimuli.
Cestnick L. (2007). How do you teach the brain new tricks? International Dyslexia Association. University of Toronto, Ontario.
Cestnick L. (2006). Neurobiology of Visual Attention. Learning and Brain Conference, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. CD of talk available
Cestnick L., Holowka S., Galaburda A., Marantz (2005). Neurobiology of attention in dyslexic and nondyslexic groups: fMRI and MEG comparative study. Society for Neuroscience. Washington, DC.
Cestnick l. (2004). Reading, development, and dyslexia: where we’ve been and where we’re going. Learning and Brain Conference, Harvard Univesity, Cambridge, MA. CD of talk available
Cestnick L. (2004). Brain imaging, Connectionism and Reading, Keynote Speaker, Rodin Academy Conference, Beijing, China
Cestnick L. (2004). Toward a Cognitive Neuroscience of Reading. Spring Brain Conference, Sedona, AZ
Cestnick L., Holowka S., Galaburda A.M., Marantz A. (2003). The Neurobiology of Visual Attention: an MEG study of developmental dyslexia. Society for Neuroscience. New Orleans. (Selected from 15,000 abstracts for the SFN Press Book.)
Holowka S., Cestnick L., Marantz A., and Galaburda A.M. (2003). The Neurobiology of Speech and Language in Developmental Dyslexia. Society for Neuroscience. New Orleans.
click to enlarge (normal vs dyslexic auditory cortex MEG responses to speech sounds)
Pare-Blagoev J., Cestnick L., Rose T., Clark J., Misra M. , Katzir-Cohen, Hook P., Jones S., Galaburda A., Marantz A., & Poldrack R. (2002). The neural basis of phonological awareness in normal reading children examined using fMRI. Cognitive Neuroscience Soc. Conf., San Francisco.
Cestnick, L. (2002). Multimodal temporal processing in developmental phonological dyslexics. Cognitive Neuroscience Society Conference, San Francisco.
Cestnick, L., Coltheart, M. (1998). Auditory temporal processing and lexical/nonlexical reading in developmental dyslexics. Psychonomics. Texas.
Coltheart, M, Dufty, D., Cestnick, L., and Bates, T. (1998) The Dual Route Model, Learning to Read, & Developmental Dyslexia. Psychonomics. Texas.
Coltheart, M, Dufty, D., Cestnick, L., and Bates, T. (1998) The Dual Route Model, Learning to Read, & Developmental Dyslexia Experimental Psychology Conference, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia April 24-26.
Cestnick, L. (1997). High and low IQ poor readers: remediation comparisons. Sydney Postgraduate Conference. Sydney University, Australia.
Cestnick, L. (1997). Does developmental surface dyslexia exist: the answer lies in statistical methods. Tennet. Montreal.
Cestnick, L. (1997). Surface dyslexia and other interesting reading patterns. Tennet. Montreal.
Cestnick, L., Wagner J. (1996). Art of the chart: improving discourse reading comprehension of adults with brain injuries. International Congress of Psychology. Montreal
Cestnick, L. (1996). Diagnosing developmental dyslexics. Tennet. Montreal
Cestnick, L. (1996). Discourse reading comprehension in adults with brain injuries. Sydney Postgraduate Conference. Sydney University, Australia.
Cestnick, L., Wagner, J. (1995). Learning tools for adults with severe learning deficits. International Congress of Psychology (Education Chapter). Montreal